Merchants join

Quanzhou Fengxuelang Garment Co., Ltd

Join advantage


  • The first batch of 100% worry-free replacement, zero inventory VIP shop mode!
  • Renovation 100% shelf support, professional display props make it easy for you!
  • The successful marketing experience of 11 years in the battlefield will help you to resume your journey and create wealth with you.
  • The company researches and develops tens of thousands of color products every year, and has a strong website background. Customers can freely choose and order in our company, and can also order freely in the backstage of the company website, with strong supply strength and backing support. We also own a large-scale garments company. The company uses its own advantages and the advantages of international procurement to process valuable fabrics into corresponding explosion models or styles that need to be replenished, so that the end customers can continue to supply goods! Extra cash!
  • Unified store image design support.
  • Have quick consultation feedback analysis and forecasting ability.
  • Mature product design and development capabilities.
  • Professional distribution support and display guidance for the store.
  • Mature chain logistics distribution support diversion company.
  • Through the review of the location of the store provided by the applicant investors, the headquarters proposes a series of programs such as store operation positioning, marketing strategy and management methods to help investors improve the sales performance of the store terminals.
  • The headquarters of the company monitors the daily operation and management of the store terminal in a timely manner, and provides guidance or suggestions at any time according to the operation of the store terminal to assist investors in daily operation management.